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Love of the Father
As we enter into the season celebrating the gift of God’s Son, let’s spend some time meditating on the great love of our Father God.

Stewarding Our Resources for Kingdom Good
As a fashion designer in the bridal industry, Courtney Markley frequently rubbed shoulders with high-end clients. When she and her...

Mediating Conflict with Christ’s Humility
When was the last time you watched the evening news? Reports of violent crime seem to overwhelm the newscast, leaving you feeling...

Fall Kickoff Event at OSU Invites Crowd to Follow Jesus
On a Sunday evening at the beginning of the fall semester, hundreds of OSU students and non-students assembled around a simple stage in...

Missional Communities
It’s been said, “God’s Church doesn’t have a mission, God’s Mission has a Church.”

Creatives for Columbus Network
We’re leaning into beauty as an aspect of Our Father’s nature and character- not to mention His own ‘cosmic’ creativity!

Soul Care Network
One of the newest developments to emerge within the For Columbus ecosystem in the past year is the Soul Care Network.

Addiction Recovery
Addiction is a problem – what does the church need to know about recovery? By Rich Thompson Addiction is beyond frustrating- it is...

UNIFIED, different together
Growing up with a Caucasian mom and an African-American dad, Natalia Chase experienced firsthand the incomparable power of Jesus to heal...
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