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In Hilltop, Westside School Helps Students Thrive
When Pastor Ben Douglass and his wife, Andi, moved to the West Columbus neighborhood of Hilltop, they enrolled their children in the...

Gathering Network Leaders for Encouragement and Equipping
On Thursday, February 6th, For Columbus hosted its second annual Network Leaders Retreat at Retreat 21 in Marysville, OH. Two times a...

Launching the For Columbus Family Network: Strengthening Families, Uniting the Church
Families are the foundation of a thriving city. Research from Harvard’s Human Flourishing Program confirms what Scripture has long...

That we may be reconciled
May we seek authentic relationships with people outside of our group to begin breaking down the dividing walls of hostility between us.

Why Attend the FC Leaders Summit?
As we step into a new year filled with opportunities and challenges, I believe the Leaders Summit 2025 stands as one of the most...

How to Spend a Day Alone with Jesus
A Very Practical Guide by Nick Nye Introduction Jude did not have much to say. At least, we can assume as much since his letter was only...

North and Central Youth Ministry Networks
“If the Kingdom of God is to come in power, we must begin with children and teach them from the cradle.” This quote is attributed to the...

Dramatic Answers to Prayer
Miraculously, in just three years since the roll out of the prayer points, Columbus saw the breakthrough we had all been praying for.

Make Us One
In John 17, Jesus gave us the blueprint for the ultimate gospel marketing campaign: oneness amongst His people.

Tutoring Columbus’ Kids for Future Success
Over the last few decades, researchers have seen a correlation between children who are reading proficiently by the third grade and their...

The New Americans Network
If you’ve lived in Columbus for any length of time, you can attest to how the landscape of the city is rapidly changing. It’s not only...

Love of the Father
As we enter into the season celebrating the gift of God’s Son, let’s spend some time meditating on the great love of our Father God.

The Northland Network
The Northland Network is a collective of residents in the Northland region of our city, which is roughly bounded by Huntley, Sinclair, E....

Stewarding Our Resources for Kingdom Good
As a fashion designer in the bridal industry, Courtney Markley frequently rubbed shoulders with high-end clients. When she and her...

Mediating Conflict with Christ’s Humility
When was the last time you watched the evening news? Reports of violent crime seem to overwhelm the newscast, leaving you feeling...

Fall Kickoff Event at OSU Invites Crowd to Follow Jesus
On a Sunday evening at the beginning of the fall semester, hundreds of OSU students and non-students assembled around a simple stage in...

Mental Health
Anxiety, depression and all forms of mental oppression and illness are increasing at an alarming rate. Overwhelmingly, studies show the...

History of the Prayer House on OSU Campus
This is the story of God inviting his sons and daughters to pray at Ohio State, an invitation into deepening relationship with Him...

Join Us for a Prayer Breakfast!
In preparation for the upcoming Concert of Prayer, Jesus followers from all over the city are gathering to cover our city in prayer. This...

Let's Get Lunch and Talk Discipleship!
"Go into all the world and make disciples," instructs Jesus, just before ascending into heaven. But, practically, how can we stay...
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