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Welcome Shane Tucker

Shane Tucker

I’m more than a little excited to begin this new season with For Columbus! It’s apparent to me that the LORD is in this, and I’m humbled to run with some incredible people as we seek to serve our city in partnership with the rest of the Church. I said yes to Jesus when I was twelve at a Columbus church, and ever since that day, following the Spirit’s lead has been an incredible adventure!

My wife, Christy, and I grew up in the greater Columbus region. She and I met when we were 16 and have been together now 31 years. We have four children born in three different countries. After high school we both attended different universities in Indiana. I completed a double major in Christian Education and Biblical Studies (’98), with an emphasis in Youth Ministry. Following university we relocated to Chicagoland. Christy was employed as an elementary music teacher and I worked with students at Willow Creek Community Church. That season was short-lived due to a change in leadership and the LORD clearly opened a door for us to move across the ocean.

We landed in N. Ireland (U.K.) where Christy served in a biblically-formed, schools-based relationships and sexuality project which encouraged pre-teens/teens to make wise and healthy decisions. I worked as a local youth pastor with a Presbyterian Church for five years, then took a role coordinating youth and young adult ministry across the Republic of Ireland for the Church of Ireland (Anglican) for six years. During that season I studied spiritual direction with the Irish Jesuits in Dublin, Ireland. Our first two children were born in the U.K., while our third was born in Ireland. After eleven years overseas we said goodbye to dear friends and followed the LORD’s call to relocate to America.

Without a job or home to live in, we moved to Nashville, TN to launch a non-profit offering ’soul care’ (pastoral care and spiritual direction) primarily for Creatives and their families. Not long after our arrival, we connected with a church that launched from a podcast which met in a coffee shop. I worked part-time for the church as an associate pastor, and part-time in the coffeeshop as a barista and events coordinator. Later we moved the church to a black box theater where we served the creative community by renting our space for tour pre-production, performance coaching and rehearsals. After almost eight years in Nashville, and various stints working with numerous organizations such as Alpha, the American Bible Society, Open Doors and others, our family relocated to the great state of O-H-I-O at the end of 2017.

Immediately upon our arrival we welcomed our fourth child into our family. I began work as an associate priest for our new parish (Anglican) in Lewis Center, and helped coordinate the NextGen movement for our network of churches throughout the Great Lakes region. I also serve on the board of Alpha (Great Lakes region) and a dynamic new missions organization called Three Ravens Global. In all of the roles I’ve served in, nurturing healthy, intentional relationships has been my primary focus. Whether at the local, regional or national level, I’ve always enjoyed connecting with people, hearing their stories, and identifying opportunities to encourage them to take the next step on their journey toward, or with, Jesus Christ. God often works in win/win scenarios, and I’ve loved frequently finding myself in the middle of those scenarios by connecting people together for the greater good, and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom.

In my new role as the Director of Lead For Columbus, I look forward to listening to peoples’ stories and, along with them, discerning where Our Father is at work so we can collectively share the Good News of God’s love in Jesus Christ in word and deed across our great city. What discernible, qualitative changes could -even should- that Good News make within every sector of our city? What does the LORD desire? Jesus revealed His intention in the final book of the Bible.. 'And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”’ (Rev. 21:5) Earlier, He made it clear that He's handing that same mission to His followers and friends.. “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do..” (John 14:12). With Jesus in the lead, the best is always yet to come. I look forward to joining in Jesus’ mission, the Missio Dei, alongside you for the flourishing of Columbus!

The best is yet to come,


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