Show people who Jesus really is through music and media so they can grow closer to Him.
Mission Statement:
104.9 the River
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
That our music and programming will reach people that need to hear from Jesus and they, in turn, will reach out to Him. That we will be able to help turn those searching for help and encouragement to the best churches, resources and ministries that can meet their spiritual and physical needs.
Pray that God connects the music and messages of our team to the many listeners who do not know Christ.
Pray that for strength and peace for our chaplains as they connect deeply with many searching for help and hope.
You can also pray with us and submit your prayer needs on our public prayer page:
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Go to or listen at 104.9 on your radio.
Advocate, Connect & Empower all of the people all of the time!
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
ACE Community House
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
We are praying for unity in the community, peace in streets and in the homes of Central Ohio families. We are praying for an abundance of resources to serve our families and for volunteers and sponsors who wish to support youth empowerment programs to connect with ACE Community House and join our mission of improving the lives of those we encounter.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Contact us at
We have made it our mission to provide hope, and a learning environment where our students can begin to apply biblical principles in their daily lives, their families, their community, and their jobs.
Mission Statement:
Addiction Recovery
Adult Teen Challenge Columbus Ohio
Contact Info:
P.O. Box 24099 Columbus, Ohio4322
How to Pray for this Ministry:
We're in the process of adding a nonresidential center to our program. Pray for needed volunteers & potential staff as we grow forward.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
We need approximately 75-90 volunteers for fundraiser FSR with OSU/ address PO Box 24099 Columbus, Ohio4322/Office phone # 614-697-2450
Africa's Light seeks to provide love, education, basic needs and mentorship for the most vulnerable children. Children who have lost one or both parents, and who are vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. Africa's Light seeks to raise up the next generation of leaders, to be a light to their community.
Mission Statement:
Africa's Light
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
-Pray for healing from all trauma
-Pray for the children's identity to be firmly rooted in Christ
-Pray for the children to have discernment and strength to make wise decisions
-Pray for the children to do well in school
-Pray for the children to have a vision for their life and future
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Akili's mission is to educate, train, and develop low-income students into leaders who give back to their communities in significant ways. Akili achieves its mission by focusing on academic achievement, career readiness, and Christian community.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Akili Christian High School
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Register for our monthly prayer newsletter on our website!
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Visit our website -
Equip Christian 20-Somethings to integrate faith, work, and leadership for redemptive influence in culture and the marketplace.
Mission Statement:
Baton Exchange
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
-For wisdom in properly scaling our growing ministry
-volunteers comfortable with using LinkedIn
-For someone to help with developing mentor training
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Empowering lives to reach the lost and build up the Kingdom of God
Mission Statement:
Mercy & Justice
Believe Christian Church
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for school partnership that we impact the children to impact the parents of our community. Pray for us to connect with more people willing to volunteer for the Harvest is ripe but, the laborers are few.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Our phone number is 614 285 5001
We definatly have volunteer opportunities.
Helping people be Better Equipped with the grace and truth of Jesus.
Mission Statement:
Better Equipped
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please be praying for God to continue to provide more financial partners who will also be dedicated prayer warriors, so that this ministry can effectively equip more people with the grace and truth of Jesus. Making it possible for more people to have free access to in person and online resources is so important.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Bloom exists to aid in the flourishing of families with young children by providing them basic needs and connecting them with supportive community and resources.
Mission Statement:
Other, Kids & Youth, Mercy & Justice
Bloom Free Store
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
I read once that every non-profit has the same issues; not enough money and not enough volunteers. We would love for God to continue to provide for our financial needs and to bring more, committed volunteers to serve. Additionally, we serve a number of families with other beliefs and cultural experiences. It would be a wonderful thing to be able to introduce them to Christ and his compassion for them.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
We believe that children belong in the care of healthy, loving families and that families should be supported by their local church and caring members of their community. This philosophy – established by our parent organization, The Global Orphan Project, as ‘Circles of Care’ – puts the child at the center of everything we do and fundamentally guides our work to ensure a healthier, family-style model of care for every child we serve.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
CarePortal Greater Columbus is always in need of more active churches who are willing to help serve vulnerable families in their community.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Serving our neighbors by advancing public policy that reflects the truth of the gospel.
Mission Statement:
Center for Christian Virtue
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Prayers for safety.
Growth of champions in advancing the mission.
Continued financial provision.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Central Ohio Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please pray for the Gospel to go out into the teams and schools around our city.
Pray for more workers for the harvest (Huddle Leaders and Church Partners)
Pray that the LORD will open hearts of coaches, athletes/students to salvation and all of God's Word.
That God continues to raise up student leaders and adult volunteers in the schools.
That we are able to fully equip and empower the student leaders and volunteers.
For energy, wisdom, and protection over our staff and their families.
Join our prayer team at
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Fill out our contact form to know more, get involved, volunteer, or give
Financial support:
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Central Ohio Youth for Christ
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for adult leaders to come and serve young people! Pray for open doors to run anti-bullying workshops in Johnstown, Gahanna, and Dublin communities. Pray for our partnerships with area churches to grow stronger.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
At Chaplain Otto Ministries, we personally understand that the journey of a veteran can be difficult. That's why we're here to help. Our dedicated ministry is led by John "Otto" Guthmann who is a Combat Veteran and personally knows the struggles that come with military service. Helping veterans in and out of prison overcome PTSD, Anger, Substance Abuse, and Suicidal Thoughts with one-on-one conversations and various types of outreaches and support sharing the redemptive love of God and turning our veterans of this great nation into Kingdom Soldiers for Christ.
Isaiah 6:8 - Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Mission Statement:
Mental Health
Chaplain Otto Ministries
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please pray for our incarcerated veterans and their families, also for the institution staff we interact with during our visits to teach anger management in prison and sharing Gods love. Please pray for our veterans who are not behind physical bars but are a prisoner in their own mind, that God will help us reach them to share the love of Jesus. Please pray for the right connections to help us sustain this special mission we are on, serving those who've fallen on the battlefield of life.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
We aim to strengthen communities worldwide by partnering with local programs that provide children with the critical resources to succeed through a trifold focus on education, mentorship, and healthy food.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Charley's Kids Foundation
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray that churches seek the opportunity to support their local school.
Pray for churches to be receptive to serving through Children's Tutoring Initiative.
Pray that literacy tutors will engage schools through CTI.
Pray for elementary school administrators and their willingness to open doors to CTI.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Our mission is to serve those in need through HIS M.I.G.H.T.
To journey into communities inspiring people with life transformational changes through God’s love.
· Mobilize - To travel into areas of poverty and homelessness serving individuals and families.
· Inspire-To provide for the immediate needs by offering inspiration through friendship.
· Guidance - To collaborate with community connections helping people become self-sustaining through spiritual support, life skills, employment skills, and peer mentoring.
· Heart - To put God’s love into action through healthy living, supportive relationships, and accountability.
· Transform – To transform people's lives; renewing their quality of life.
Mission Statement:
Columbus Relief
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Prayer for those we serve - every Tuesday 7pm
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Columbus Works' mission is to move Central Ohioans out of poverty through sustained employment.
We do this by providing compassionate workforce development programs and services that include trauma-informed job and workplace readiness training, professional life coaching, barrier-removing wraparound case management, and long-term employment coaching for job retention and advancement.
Mission Statement:
Poverty & Food Insecurity
Columbus Works, Inc.
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Columbus Works needs prayer in the following areas:
1. Pray for our staff; that they would continually demonstrate their love for the Lord through the way they serve our neighbors. For those who are not Believers, that they would come to know Christ through the work that we do and their interactions with other believing staff. Pray also that God would strengthen them as they walk with our neighbors through extremely difficult situations.
2. Pray for vision; that our leadership's eyes, ears, and heart remain attuned to what God wants to see done through our organization, in the ways He wants it done.
3. Pray for right relationships; that the Lord would send and connect us with those who are aligned with our work and mission and want to see that mission move forward through funding, donating, volunteering, or otherwise supporting our organization.
4. Pray that our city would truly be moved with compassion for the poor and compelled to act on their behalf.
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Our Mission: To provide clothing, shoes, hygiene items and essential household goods to low-income individuals & families in order to improve economic stability, increase school & job readiness and to impact families with the love of Christ.
Mission Statement:
Immigrants & Refugees
Community Clothing Outreach
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please pray for God’s provision and guidance in fundraising.
Pray for our team leaders as we begin a new job readiness program.
Pray for the people we serve; immigrants, low-income families and those in need of jobs & housing.
Pray that everyone who comes into our free store experiences the love of Christ.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning students and faculty to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith, and sending them to win and build others.
We help the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship in a variety of creative ways.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for incoming freshmen to have a spiritual hunger for the gospel, and pray for Christian students to make meaningful connections to churches and Christian organizations on campus. Pray for increasing trust and collaboration among college and young adult pastors in Central Ohio.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Touching lives by offering dignity and hope through hygiene and sharing God’s love.
Mission Statement:
Mercy & Justice
Divine Dignity Inc.
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for God’s guidance as we seek funds to grow and expand and as we discern where to expand. We have 20 locations with 18 organizations on the waitlist. We are in conversations medical clinics, student health centers, and several other health organizations to partner to give hygiene to our children and neighbors in need throughout Columbus. Hygiene is essential for a person’s health and well being but a largely unmet need.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
The 5 Points Greater Columbus Apostolic Network is a Central Ohio network of ministry leaders who share a common Vision and Purpose to live out the answer to Jesus' prayer in John 17 by a radical love and unity that will cause the world to believe, enter the Kingdom of God, become disciples--and through kingdom living in all areas of influence--transform Greater Columbus and beyond.
Mission Statement:
Other, Mercy & Justice
Dr. Scott T. Kelso
Contact Info:
Scott Kelso:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
We not only want to take people to heaven, but also change our community through Spirit=led transformation. We cannot be a successful church in the midst of a failing community. Columbus has significant poverty, crime, drug addiction, sexual brokenness, and other disabling conditions, waiting to be impacted by a coalition of churches that desire to make the crooked ways straight. We are here to let the light shine (Mt.5:14; Jn.8:12) God can use an Apostolic Network in the City to help the saints grow in maturity (Ephe.4:12-15), defeat the enemy (2Cor.10:3-5), and prepare for the end-time harvest (Acts 2:18-21; 17:30-31) Please join us in prayer to see these things manifest in Columbus.
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Equip Skills Center, formerly YFC Wheels, provides mentoring and training for young people interested in the automotive trades. We believe every young person has a unique talent. Our mission is to help them identify and cultivate these hands-on abilities by providing valuable technical and life skills training.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Equip Skills Center
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray God would bring more volunteers who love Jesus and have a passion for helping youth learn a skilled trade so they can launch a successful future.
Pray for God's blessing on community and employer partnerships.
If you'd like to be added to our monthly prayer update, email Monika Hahn at
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Ending poverty through life-changing relationships with neighbors and God.
Mission Statement:
Other, Poverty & Food Insecurity, Immigrants & Refugees, Kids & Youth
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
God would give us the wisdom and resources to live out the plan he has laid on our hearts to grow and scale this ministry throughout central Ohio.
Pray for the children and families we serve, for the volunteers, donors and staff who are following God's calling to give of themselves, for our community and country as we continue to welcome immigrants and build community with them, and for the various conflicts around the world causing violence, destruction and displacement.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Volunteer at our free summer lunch camp in June and July, volunteer with children or adults at our 3-Generation Family ESL program during the school year, volunteer to teach ESL, attend our International Festa-val on September 28, 2024 at the Franklin County Fairgrounds.
Give ( or volunteer year-round (
Flourish’s Purpose is to provide processes and contexts where women encounter Jesus, learn to love Him and commit their whole selves to following Him.
Flourish’s Priorities are Extravagant Worship, Authentic Community, and Kingdom Mission.
Flourish’s Goal is to see women transformed into devoted Jesus-followers who are living and loving like Jesus and intentionally helping others do the same.
Mission Statement:
Flourish Communities Inc.
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for our Leadership Team who guide our organization.
Pray for our Facilitators who lead our communities.
Pray for women to find Flourish and engage in a Flourish Community.
Pray for our content writers who are creating new resources to equip women to develop and walk out their callings.
Pray for donors who will fund our minimal expenses (website & learning platform), so we can continue to offer Flourish Communities at no charge for participants.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Gracehaven serves youth and families through a team of Christian workers and like-minded partners by providing sex trafficking prevention services and by empowering youth rescued from sex-trafficking to thrive with dignity in a renewed life.
Mission Statement:
Anti-Human Trafficking
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for staff to work at our group home in Columbus! Pray that the youth we serve across the state will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Harambee Christian School exists to help Columbus' inner city youth overcome challenges and thrive in the body of Christ.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Harambee Christian School
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
We invite believers and churches throughout Columbus to pray for us as we transition to becoming an independent ministry in 2024.
Our vision is to partner with the broader Christian church throughout Columbus to provide quality faith-based education in loving community for students from economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
We hope to partner with local churches in our city to provide multiple pathways for families to join the body of Christ and serve as an outlet for their congregations to do incarnational ministry with students in need.
You can sign up for our monthly Harambee Prayer Circle update and read previous requests by visiting
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Helping Hands Health & Wellness Center merges compassionate care with whole-body health education, creating a nurturing space where health and well-being are accessible to everyone. Our approach combines dedicated medical services, counseling, and community engagement, reflecting the spirit of service and the caring hands of Jesus in all we do.
Mission Statement:
Helping Hands Health and Wellness Center
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for our patients to experience the Love of Jesus while they are with us.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Her Song exists to interrupt the cycle of human trafficking by empowering survivors with holistic support to champion their journey toward freedom.
Mission Statement:
Anti-Human Trafficking
Her Song, a ministry of the Tim Tebow Foundation
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
- For the clients we serve that they would experience whole healing and restoration
- For the staff who serve our clients
- For the Columbus community to wrap their arms around Her Song financially, with volunteers, community resources and continued prayer
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Live. Learn. Love.
Mission Statement:
Poverty & Food Insecurity
Hilltop Community Worship Center
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
1. More volunteers for our Community Kitchen that serves 400 meals weekly.
2. More financial resources to expand.
3. New equipment.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
To extend life-changing hospitality and friendship to international students out of reverence for Jesus.
Mission Statement:
Immigrants & Refugees
International Friendships, Inc
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Attend the Making a World of Difference dinner 4/27/24
Transform culture by equipping dads with Gospel-centered practices to lead their families.
Mission Statement:
Kingdom Dads
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for more church, school and workplace contextual partnerships. Pray for more dad facilitators of small group cohorts. Prayers for more fathers to live faithfully into their calling as husband and dad.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
For Dads, get plugged into a Kingdom Dads cohort, information available on our website!
We strive to prevent all forms of interpersonal-violence in Columbus, Ohio among 11-18 year old by providing students with ongoing education and tools to help keep our kids: safe, alive and free.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
LYFE Savers
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Recognize and cultivate the ideal that preventing violence is everyone's responsibility and that every member of the (school)community understands their role in this movement.
Pray our youth will find and give: Peace, Grace, Mercy, Understanding, truth and Love.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
The LifeWise Academy mission is to positively impact students, schools and communities by providing a Bible-based, character-focused Released Time Religious Instruction (RTRI) program.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
LifeWise Academy
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please pray that God will bless, guide, and empower our mission to reach the 50 million public school students with the gospel of Jesus Christ, growing interest in communities across the nation.
Pray for favor with the superintendent, school board, administration, principals, teachers
and staff to make this possible in local school districts.
Pray for protection from opposition within communities.
That the Lord will continue to provide provisions around finances, prayer, and staffing.
Pray for the students, teachers and administrators of the school and of all involved.
Pray for sponsors to come in a support our program financially
Pray for kingdom workers. Who will dedicate time, study and e excellence for our children.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Go to
To mobilize, develop, and empower individuals and communities.
Mission Statement:
Poverty & Food Insecurity
Lifeline Christian Mission
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please pray that more people will hear the good news of Lifeline's ministry (how will they hear without preachers?!).
That support and funding will increase dramatically so that Lifeline Christian Mission can continue helping families struggling with food insecurity and malnutrition AND reach more families--the many families still waiting for help!
That churches and businesses will support Lifeline.
That servants of Christ will volunteer at our events and during the week.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Providing a pathway out of darkness and bringing hope to troubled lives
through life-changing mental health counseling that is professional,
biblical, affordable and comprehensive.
Mission Statement:
Mental Health
Lighthouse Counseling Service
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Prayerfully consider supporting Lighthouse by making a donation today in one of following ways. All contributions help Lighthouse continue to minister to hurting people while minimizing the costs of help for those who need it. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Thank you!
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
The MomCo encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.
Mission Statement:
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
That God would open church doors to our ministry to reach moms in those communities. Moms who might never ordinarily walk thru the doors of the church; but, when a mom friend invites her to join a group of moms meeting where there is food, connection & childcare she is much more likely to accept the invitation.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Family preservation through Biblical hospitality.
To see the church mobilized to be the consistent care and community for socially isolated families facing crisis.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
My Village Ministries
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Families are under attack in our city and our country. They are being broken apart by preventable reasons and God has called His church to surround and support them. Please pray that vulnerable families would say yes to the support of the church. Please pray that the church of Columbus would say yes to opening their homes to vulnerable children and stepping into healthy relationship with their parents.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
OpenDoor Women's Recovery Alliance partners with women in recovery from addiction to reclaim their lives and achieve long term sobriety, fostering holistic healing and renewed purpose.
Mission Statement:
Addiction Recovery
OpenDoor Women's Recovery Alliance
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
OpenDoor is currently forming prayer teams with Churches in our community to pray for the women we serve. We want to be very intentional about praying for each woman by name and encourage women to pray for one another. All the women we serve will be invited to join the prayer groups and bring their needs to each other and to God.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
We are on the frontlines every day rescuing individuals out of the darkness of sex trafficking.
Mission Statement:
Anti-Human Trafficking
Out of Darkness Columbus
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Complete the volunteer application and training process to become part of our prayer team, or pray regularly for wisdom in leadership, God's provision for resources and team members as we grow, and for those we serve to encounter God and His true freedom.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Outreach Ministries is a residential program focused on the restoration of men in crisis, offering a Christian faith-based solution to freedom from addiction while addressing needs like homelessness, joblessness, and hopelessness. Through mentorship and discipleship, we strive to see men become the fathers, husbands, and men of integrity so desperately needed today.
Mission Statement:
Addiction Recovery
Outreach Ministries
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Provision, vision, and for men hungry for change to come and find Christ!
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Empowering individuals to make healthy life choices consistent with the God-given intrinsic value of every human life.
Mission Statement:
Mercy & Justice, Other
Pregnancy Decision Health Centers (PDHC)
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray that no woman feels so alone or hopeless that she feels abortion is her only option. Pray they come to our centers for love and hope and support.
We have a Monday morning prayer list that goes out to our supporters so they can be praying for the women we serve in real time. Go to to sign up under “Get Involved”
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Call to schedule a tour of our centers. to learn more and for contact information
R.O.A.R. (Rise Of A Remnant) Ministries is a Kingdom Centered Fellowship of Churches and Leaders. A place to create and cultivate an atmosphere of worship, praise, teaching and training on understanding the truth of who Jesus is and the POWER He has released to you. Our purpose, is to empower people both spiritually and naturally through a multiplicity of ministries and community initiatives, while focusing strategically in three (3) areas: God, Family, and Community/Nation. We believe in modeling the 3 G's of R.O.A.R. in everything we do. The 3 G's are: GATHER the people, GROW their faith, and GIVE them Jesus. We do so by offering public speaking, mentorship and ministry to those in need of guidance and assistance.
Mission Statement:
Mercy & Justice, Other
R.O.A.R. Ministries
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Prayer Points for R.O.A.R. Ministries and R.O.A.R. Ministries Columbus:
1. Debt-free building for our ministry and community relations projects
2. Financial stability to help with our youth outreach programs and sex trafficking awareness programs
3. Kingdom Driven Community Leaders to partner with us concerning reaching beyond our local Ministry
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Empowering people to live out their identity in Christ through life-on-life discipleship.
People in hard communities everywhere reached with the gospel and equipped to reach others.
Mission Statement:
RTNI (Reaching The Nations International)
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
*Increasing opportunities to share the gospel
*Increasing number of disciples who make disciples
*Opportunities for urban youth to engage in ministry and service in and out of their communities
*Wisdom, authority, power, and endurance for the leadership teams
*Financial provision for an advancing work
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
We equip disciples to activate their spiritual gifts and talents for others, realizing their God-given calling and becoming missionary disciples by connecting them to serve in ministries they are passionate about.
Mission Statement:
Realize Your Calling
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for our Saints Activated Series that is running through May 22nd, we are hoping to bring more people to our community to activate their callings!
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
We help Christian individuals and organizations to work toward biblical, racial justice and unity in their lives, organizations, and society.
Mission Statement:
Mercy & Justice
Renew Partnerships
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please pray for God's power and leading as we seek to address complex and emotional topics related to racial justice and unity in gracious and effective ways. Please pray for open doors with individuals and organizations desiring to grow in their understanding and application of racial justice and unity. Most of all, please pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and empower all we do and help us to produce fruit we that is not possible in our own strength.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
We recommend reading the book Faithful Antiracism and contacting us if you are interested in our resources.
To show the love of Christ weekly to Columbus and Delaware students during a release time Bible education class. To teach them their value and worth and that God has a plan and purpose for their life.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Reset, Inc.
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
We have a monthly gathering of prayer warriors for Reset the first Monday night at 7:00 pm of each month.
To join us call in at 701-802-5235!
To receive an email beforehand contact:
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
To prepare, train and mobilize the body of Christ to share the Gospel and make disciples of Christ.
Mission Statement:
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for wisdom, discernment & direction from God about who to partner with (churches) and where to go (community) next.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Providing a place to explore, share and connect with God's glory in His creation.
Mission Statement:
Romans 1:20 Christian Retreat & Environmental Education Center
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for God to guide us in meeting peoples' needs to be restored while spending time with Him in nature.
Pray for God to guide the development and building of the overnight Retreat Center allowing people to spend extended time fellowshiping and experiencing spiritual growth.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
About Samaritan’s Feet International
Samaritan’s Feet is a 501(c)(3) humanitarian aid organization that serves and inspires
hope in people by providing shoes as the foundation to a spiritual and healthy life
resulting in the advancement of education and economic opportunities. Over 1.5 billion
people are infected with diseases that are transmitted through contaminated soil (World
Health Organization, 2017). The vision of Samaritan’s Feet is a world with zero shoeless
people. Since its founding by Manny and Tracie Ohonme in 2003, Samaritan’s Feet and
its partners have served more than 10 million people in 109 nations and 600+ U.S.
cities. For more information about Samaritan’s Feet International, visit
Mission Statement:
Poverty & Food Insecurity
Samaritan's Feet International/Samaritan's Feet Seniors
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Prayers for our mission and those we serve. Children, adults and seniors provide HOPE through the gift of shoes. Pray for our distribution team, our sponsors, our partners and our recipients that through the distribution of a new pair of shoes, socks and a HOPE Tote that we provide hope, mobility, health and wellness to those we serve.
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Scarlet Hope Ohio is a nonprofit that exists to share the hope and love of Jesus with women in the adult entertainment industry (aei). We do this through engaging them (outreach- both through strip club outreach + a new text initiative), Gospel Centered Community, and Discipleship (connecting women with their local church + Christian community).
Our vision is to see women in the adult entertainment industry all over the world engaged with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching them they are loved by the Creator of the universe and were made in His image while equipping and empowering them to change their lives through gospel-centered community and tangible resources.
We desire to be the relational bridge between the industry and the big C Church- in order to glorify Christ and bring others to freedom in Him. Through resource referral, forming friendships with women, and inviting them into our Churches, lives, and hearts- we're able to share the hope and love of Christ.
Mission Statement:
Anti-Human Trafficking
Scarlet Hope Ohio
Contact Info:
Bekah Delk
Scarlet Hope Ohio Director
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Scarlet Hope Ohio asks for prayer in raising up more outreach volunteers + advocates, more intentional conversations with the women we interact with on a weekly basis, and for provision as we continue to grow within the Ohio area!
Individuals can sign up for our specific bi-weekly prayer email at: underneath 'Subscribe'!
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To meet the practical needs of families affected by cancer.
Mission Statement:
Mercy & Justice, Other
Share Your Story Foundation
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
1) first and foremost, we work with families that have a cancer diagnosis. We engage in prayer regularly for the health and recovery of our families with cancer.
2) we are in the process of launching a pajama line with the cancer patient in mind. We should have everything ready for that launch this summer. We would appreciate prayer for that to continue to go smoothly, and for us to find the people that need them the most in our sales and distribution.
3) we provide housing for families traveling to Columbus for cancer treatments. We pray for the families we will house during this and future years, and for wisdom on how to proceed in growing our housing supply.
4) for the right individuals to hear about us and want to get engaged on a regular volunteer and giving relationship.
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She Has A Name is a strong community that exists to fight human trafficking through education and care for all those impacted.
Mission Statement:
Anti-Human Trafficking
She Has A Name
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for survivors of human trafficking who are pursuing dreams and degrees. The enemy wants to tear down their sobriety and healthy relationships to distract them from building stable and safe lives outside of exploitation.
Pray for our training participants, that they wouldn't just add head knowledge about the cause but also consider how to involve their hearts and hands in service.
Pray for people who struggle with pornography use/addiction or who purchase sex. These are mostly men who battle depression, loneliness, and personal histories of trauma that lead them to believe paying for a relationship is the only way to experience community.
Pray over She Has A Name's leadership as we experience unprecedented board and staff turnover in 2024.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Giving Gospel hope and restoration to people facing hardships.
Mission Statement:
Stowe Mission
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray for additional staff for our pregnancy help ministry.
Pray for guidance as we expand into new locations (north Columbus, Marion, Findlay).
Pray for our students as we are gearing up for summer camp and VBS ministries.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Visit our website at
We exist to welcome those impacted by cancer into community and provide resources that encourage them wherever they are in their relationship with Christ.
Mission Statement:
Mercy & Justice, Other
Take Heart Cancer Community
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Folks interested can join our prayer team, which prays specifically for our Leadership Team, by emailing
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
We seek to provide the resources to assist the local church in making a meaningful impact in the spiritual and physical lives of people in our community. Our vision is to see the glory of Christ on display through the work of the local church in our city.
Mission Statement:
Poverty & Food Insecurity
The Bridge Ministry
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please pray for the continued development of relationships with city leaders that are working to solve the problems of homelessness, food insecurity, and substance use disorders. Please also pray for partnerships to be developed with local churches.
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The Parable Project exists to enrich the lives of middle school teenagers in the Linden community through carefully crafted after-school programming.
We utilize four strands of care in our after-school programming: Transportation, Inspiration, Recreation, and Education. Through these four core principles, we take care of both the practical and spiritual needs of our students as we disciple them in the ways of Jesus.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
The Parable Project
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Pray that our programming would clearly proclaim the message of the Gospel and demonstrate the power of the Gospel to the students and families of Linden. Pray that spiritual strongholds in our community would be torn down so that our middle schoolers would know and experience the supremacy of Jesus. Pray for God's provision so that one day we can hire more staff and take in more students!
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Founded in 1999, The Refuge has helped thousands of men in our faith-based residential addiction recovery ministry, all at absolutely no cost and with no insurance needed. A man’s journey starts in our 30-Day Discovery Phase on our 138-acre farm in Lancaster, OH. This is a safe, welcoming home where men can focus on positive personal growth. After completing the Discovery Phase, men have the option to continue in The Refuge for up to 12 additional months in our Residential Recovery Program. Here, men continue their personal growth, while also working on rebuilding relationships with friends and family, and also beginning to work with one of our partner employers.
Mission Statement:
Addiction Recovery
The Refuge
Contact Info:
Matt Hunnell
Call intake 614-991-0131 and talk to Kevin.
How to Pray for this Ministry:
* For the sick and suffering alcoholic and addict to become willing to seek change
* For families and loved ones as they struggle with the challenges of the addicted person
* For our churches that they would be at the center of the solution and willing to talk about and serve this population as partners in recovery
* For those who have begun the journey to sobriety that they will grow in a walk with the Lord, and thrive in a hope for the future.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Call or email Matt Hunnell. 614-571-3084 | or call our intake line at 614-991-5160 and talk to Kevin.
Our mission is to create life-changing, Christ-centered transformations and provide a safe place to serve and support the Linden community. Through local ministry partnerships, focused on building personal faith and a relationship with Christ, we ensure that individuals have a solid foundation to achieve meaningful lives.
Our center operates for 35 hours a week with 13 partnering organizations as well as internal programming that is gospel centered and age group specific. We hope to see the love of Christ brought into the homes of every Linden family!
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Please pray for awesome collaboration within our partnering organizations and that the community of Linden would be characterized by their love for Christ.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Our mission is to provide hope and resources to help our neighbors in need find freedom from all forms of poverty.
Mission Statement:
Poverty & Food Insecurity
Victory Ministries Inc.
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
Hope and healing for all those we encounter.
That the Center of Hope would be a place and catalyst for life transformation and redemption.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
To develop multiethnic communities of disciples who experience God, love one another, and partner with Christ to heal the world.
Mission Statement:
Kids & Youth
Vineyard Columbus - Vineyard Community Center K-12 Program
Contact Info:
Heath Ring
VCC K-12 Program Manager for Vineyard Columbus
(614) 259-5425
How to Pray for this Ministry:
All things/programs/activities are centered in the love Christ. That we would live lives worthy of the calling that we have received from the Lord. That we would shepherd with integrity of heart and skillful hands (Psalm 78:72). We would grow in gratitude and generosity- living our lives in ongoing surrender and being filled with the Spirit.
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Vista Village is Columbus, Ohio’s first tiny home, transitional living program with a clear purpose - to guide those experiencing homelessness toward a life of stability and self-sufficiency. We exist to transition individuals from homelessness to self-sufficiency.
Mission Statement:
Vista Village
Contact Info:
How to Pray for this Ministry:
1. We ask prayer for the individuals who we serve that they would come to meet Jesus and transition into a healthy lifestyle of independence.
2. We ask prayer for God to send the right people to us as volunteers to care for our residents.
3. We ask God for funding to meet our capital campaign goal of $7 million.
Take a Next Step with this Ministry:
Send an email to and visit the website at
Browse Directory
We all know three of the biggest needs in a nonprofit are AWARENESS, PRAYER, and VOLUNTEER ENGAGEMENT. Part of the vision of For Columbus is to play a small part in helping you move the needle on all three areas by creating a directory of nonprofits in Columbus to be distributed to the thousands of individuals participating in For Columbus events.